Real-Time Comprehension Questions

At the end of each class session that I lead, I’ll ask you two impromptu Comprehension Questions (CQs), each with a very short answer (usually one about assigned readings or lectures, one about discussion). You’ll have 2-3 minutes to answer them. If you miss a class session, you’ll miss that day’s CQs and will lose credit, unless you take steps to make up what you missed (see below).

(For TA-led tutorials, I’ll instruct the TAs to ask one CQ at the end of each session. TAs will either use a question I provide to them ahead of time or will improvise one on their own — their choice. Be sure to find the special instructions below for making up TA-led CQs, because TA-led tutorials aren’t audiorecorded.)

The CQs will usually be easy to get right (i.e. no points deducted) – as long as you complete the readings and lecture assignments attentively, and are present and listening in discussions. Be sure to provide answers in the correct way at each class you attend; if your answers aren’t received, then you will be marked absent for that session.

If you are attending class in person, I’ll provide you with a worksheet — all you have to do is write your answers in the right blanks, then hand it to me (or your TA, if there is a TA in your class). (If you get the answers wrong, they’ll be marked wrong on the worksheet; if they’re right, then there’s no mark).

If you are attending class remotely, then you’ll have to submit your answers by email (to me, or to your TA if there is a TA in your class). I (or your TA) will make note of your remotely submitted answer on your paper worksheet (every student gets assigned one). Do not log off until you have received verbal confirmation that your answers have been received. (If you get the answers wrong, you’ll get an email; if no email, then you got them right).

Scoring for real-time comprehension questions can vary from class to class. But as a general rule, the first two comprehension questions you get wrong (or leave unanswered) will be worth about twice as many points as the remaining questions. This is to offer an extra bonus to perfect scorers, while not penalizing less-than-perfect scores too steeply (usually, a student who gets two comprehension questions wrong will get an A for the CQs overall, while three questions wrong will get an A-).

Comprehension Questions can take some getting used to — but if they seem likely to be truly insurmountable, or run counter to your specific learning needs, then accommodations and modifications are available for Real-Time Comprehension Questions, upon request (click here).

If you miss a real-time class session for any reason, including late registration… 

…you are still responsible for making up that day’s Comprehension Questions (if you don’t, then at the end of term I’ll count all missed questions as incorrect answers).  You can only make up one missed class sessions’s questions once per week, so pace yourself. Here’s how it works — be sure to read and follow these instructions very carefully: 

1) Listen to the audio recording of the session you missed, if available (you can find the audio files labelled clearly in your class Google Drive file), and catch up on all missed readings and other material;

(Note: TA-led tutorials are not recorded; to make up a TA-led tutorial session, instead of listening to a recording, you have to attend Office Hours — either mine or your TA’s — and talk with us about that week’s reading for ten minutes; we’ll ask you make-up questions after that);

(Note: if your class has a TA who has separate Office Hours from mine, then you can technically do two make-ups in a week — once in your TA’s OHs and once in mine; I can ask you make-up questions on a TA’s behalf, and vice versa);

2) After reviewing what you missed, while the material is still fresh in your mind, attend Office Hours (with me or with a TA, if your class has one) — but be aware that if Office Hours are already booked or full, then you will not be able to make up the missed questions, so don’t wait too long;

(Note: if your schedule makes it difficult for you to attend the available Office Hours, then unfortunately, in this case, you may have to miss something you’re otherwise scheduled to do, in order to make up for the class session you were scheduled to attend — neither I nor your TA will meet you outside of scheduled hours under any circumstances);

3) At your Office Hours session, after talking with you for a couple of minutes about the missed material, I (or your TA) will ask you four questions about that material; if you answer three out of four correctly, I (or your TA) will restore full credit for the questions you missed that day. But if you miss more than one of the four questions, you’ll miss your chance to make up the missed questions for that day — there are no further make-ups from there.

Important Clarifications:

  • You can come to Office Hours for replacement Comprehension Questions any time before the last day of class, but no later. (There will be no questions available to replace those I ask on the last day of class.)

  • You cannot use replacement questions to make up answers you got wrong previously — only to make up for questions you weren’t present for.

  • Make-up comprehension questions only restore credit for your Comprehension Questions mark, not for your Actual Attendance or Engagement and Participation marks.