ENG 331: Edition Critique and Recitation

There are two parts to this assignment, both to be delivered at a one-on-one meeting with me at my office in JHB 812 (see below).

PART 1 (25% of the total assignment grade):


Browse through the readings we will not discuss in class until after this assignment is due (see the course schedule) to find any 24-32 line passage that catches your eye. Commit it to memory and practice reciting it, over and over. Then, at your one-on-one meeting with me, recite the passage aloud, from memory, with as few mistakes or omissions as possible (ideally, none!). You will be graded primarily on the accuracy of your recitation, and secondarily on how clearly your reading communicates basic comprehension of the words you are saying. You can opt to recite any lines — monologue or dialogue — but I won’t be able to prompt you with cue lines during your recitation.

You can stumble and start again as needed without any penalty to your score — but you must complete a recitation of at least 24 lines within 4 minutes at a maximum (this should be more than twice the time you’ll need!), so if you delay too long and reach that time limit, I’ll have to grade only what lines have gotten done at the 4-minute mark.

You will not be graded on your acting! But you should try to act the speech well if you can: I’ll offer the top 3-6 performances the chance to perform again in front of the whole class, and will give extra credit to any of those students if they take me up on that offer.

PART 2 (75% of the total assignment grade):


Browse through the password-protected ENG 331 Early Text Collection — I will share the password in class (and only in class) at the beginning of Week 3. Try comparing some of those early texts/transcriptions to the corresponding class readings. As you compare, look for specific differences between the class edition and its source. You’re looking in particular for some element of the source text, in its early printing, manuscript, or transcription, which the class edition gets wrong, or doesn’t get quite right, or flattens, or reduces unnecessarily.

To prepare for this assignment, you must (a) identify, and make the case for, a specific correction in ONE of the class editions we read, where that edition corresponds to one of the “secret collection” texts (no other texts allowed!), that would make the class edition truer to, or a better communication of, the original early text. From there, you must (b) work fully through the deep, complex ramifications of your small correction, especially in relation to what the editor of the class edition has identified as the edition’s purpose or rationale (which you can usually find in the editor’s introduction to that edition, if there is one) — that is, to critique the edition, by means of a close study of one of its details. (If your correction does not have any such deep, complex ramifications, then go back to the source and find a new, more meaningful, correction.)

For this assignment, importantly, you must make sure you understand what you are looking at, including all relevant symbols and abbreviations, in each of the various resources you may choose to consult — which means you will have to seek answers on your own to the particular questions that arise in your research. You will almost certainly make use of the OED Online for this assignment — make sure you know how to use and understand this crucial resource (and if you do not, either meet with me or use the OED’s built-in guides to educate yourself). When critiquing class texts, be sure you thoroughly understand the relevant explanations of the editors’ rationales, if and when they explain them in the edition.

From there, you have to speak to me for 6-8 minutes in a way that convinces me of the validity of the correction and that educates me about, and argues for, the deep, complex ramifications of that correction. You can do this by means of a traditional short argumentative essay if you wish (if so, you can just read the essay directly to me or have me read it to you; 700-850 words should take about 6-8 minutes). But you don’t have to. I recommend that you try to just talk to me for 6-8 minutes, to make your case informally (informal doesn’t mean disorganized! bring notes!) — for this assignment, I’ll be grading you on how convincing your case is, not on how formal or “academic” you sound. No bells or whistles, please: use your whole 6-8 minutes to actually focus in on the element of the text you’ve chosen. Practice at home and make sure you do not go over 8 minutes; if you do go overtime when we meet, I’ll have to cut you off. Bring with you a visual aid that will show me, in the original early text, the passage to which you’re referring. If you do not have a specific part of the early text to show, it is likely because the correction you’re proposing isn’t specific enough — reread the instructions above — but if you have an exceptional case, run it by me ahead of time.

You are aiming, with this assignment, to change permanently the way future students in ENG 331 will interact with the edition you’ve chosen. The top scorers on this assignment will have their corrections added to a list of corrections, to be shared with future students.

How you turn in your work (look closely — this is unusual for English classes!):

For this assignment, I require students to present their work in real time, at a one-on-one pre-scheduled meeting with me.

All students must pre-schedule a 20-minute time slot with meappointments will become available by the third week of class (I’ll make an announcement in class); when that happens, using the menu bar at the top of this website, navigate to my Resources page and click on “One-on-One Student Presentations”. Click on the appointment link listed there and follow the prompts to make a reservation. That appointment is now your deadline. There will be no further submission of work, nor any further feedback, than what we exchange during our meeting.

Please read this just before you attend your one-on-one presentation meeting:

We’ve got 20 minutes together. As soon as you walk in, tell me exactly which line numbers, in which class play, you’ll be reciting. Give me a moment to find the place in our class edition, then begin your recitation. You have a maximum of four minutes to do your recitation (it should not take that long). After your recitation is done, I’ll quickly let you know which lines or words you missed, and I may provide just a little feedback for future reading aloud you may do (this feedback usually has nothing to do with your grade, but I offer it because many students find it useful).

Next, tell me exactly where, in one of our class editions, you’re proposing a correction. Give me a moment to find the place in our class edition, then begin your presentation. You have a maximum of eight minutes to make your case. I may ask questions during your presentation — if I do, I won’t count these diversions against your total presentation time.

(This is a tight schedule! But that’s the point: the challenge is to make a succinct, strong case for something very specific. If this were a traditional written midterm assignment, I’d allot 20 minutes to read and grade each student’s work; I opt instead to use that allotted time to create real communication with each student.)

Once your recitation and presentation are done, we’ll have the remainder of the meeting (at least 8 minutes but usually about 10), for discussion and feedback on your edition critique. Be sure you’re aware that this feedback session is the only feedback you’re getting from me: there isn’t any written follow-up, though I may give you a couple of handouts to take with you.

I will not assign any grades at this meeting; rather, I’ll assign provisional numerical grades after every five student meetings or so, then go back and review those grades repeatedly, to make sure all is fair, and to take the pressure off of the individual meeting time, so we can focus on real feedback on the craft of scholarly writing and thinking, and specifically on writing and thinking about early drama.

  • The live, real-time presentation of your work will allow you to clarify any points of confusion and correct miscommunications in real time — and if I’m confused by what you’re saying, I may stop you briefly and ask you to explain (an explanation that can only help, never hurt, your overall grade).

    Students, including shy ones, often report that this format allowed for the most helpful, understandable essay feedback they’d ever received.

    Do not read into the face I’m making while your presentations are underway – that’s just my face, and it’s the same for everyone.

    Let’s both do our part to remain within the time limits I’ve set:

    up to 4 minutes (but usually more like 2) for your recitation

    up to 8 minutes for your edition critique

    about 8 minutes for feedback on your edition critique

    (I haven't left much time in that breakdown to allow for the transition to the next presenter, because left-over time from the recitation usually covers that. If you use the full 4 minutes for your recitation, I may cut off your edition critique feedback a bit early to allow for a smooth transition.)

    That said, there always ends up being a bit of a lag for one reason or another — if you show up for your appointment and I’m not ready yet, it’s because we are behind schedule. Please be patient — everyone will get their 20 minutes (and please, when scheduling other appointments around this one, allow an extra 10 minutes for possible delays).

    Part 2 of this exercise is far better in person than remote, but I can host remote meetings if need be — but we cannot do Part 1 remotely. So, if you need to meet remotely, see below for the relevant accommodations, and then let me know one hour before your scheduled meeting that I should expect you remotely (we’ll use the same link I always use for remote meetings, which you can find under “Resources” above, or just by clicking here).

    If you miss a scheduled one-on-one appointment, for any reason, you may submit Part 1 alone, extended into a traditional 1250-word essay (see the relevant accommodations below), by email attachment, before 11:59pm on the Monday following the day your appointment was scheduled, and I will treat it as I would any late paper with no in-person component, deducing 3 points (out of 100) and withholding feedback and commentary. If you cannot get it in by the end of that Monday, I will treat it as a doubly late paper, penalizing it by 6 points (out of 100) and withholding receive feedback or commentary.  Emailed late assignments will be accepted no later than 11:59pm two days after the last day of in-person essay meetings; after that, the assignment mark falls automatically to 0.

  • PART 1

    I’ll have a copy of the class text open in front of me as you recite. Whenever you get any words wrong, add words that are not there, or leave out words that are, I will deduct points; larger errors mean larger deductions. Whenever you speak a sentence in a way that does not clearly show and communicate a basic understanding of the meaning of your words, I’ll deduct a smaller amount. A recitation that gets every word exactly correct and that clearly communicates the sense of each sentence will score an 85; higher scores may be awarded for style or creativity.

    PART 2

    Choosing a true correction to a class text, one with real significance to our understanding of the original, which you can really prove to be more correct than the edition, is the most important thing to do for this essay; essays that do not do so will likely score in the 60s or lower.

    Grades above 79, meanwhile, are reserved for essays that truly convince me about deep, complex critical ramifications about the edition that I didn’t believe or know before (an essay that does so isn’t guaranteed an 80, but you can’t get an 80 or higher without doing so).

    Beyond that, here are my main criteria for grading any argumentative work, including Part 1: 

    Specificity. Base your argument in close reading, teasing out ambiguities; after that, choose one very small thing as the primary subject of your hypothesis.

    Rigor. Say only what is actually true; establish and defend that truth with (and only with) stringent logic.

    Focus. Organize your argument according to the logical progression of its argument; cut anything that is not structurally necessary to that argument.

    Stakes. Argue something that you actually believe and care about — find what matters in the specific item you’ve taken as your primary subject.

    Complexity. Never simplify; always ramify. Look for, and incorporate, evidence that disproves or troubles your hypothesis.

    Depth. Dig into your narrow primary subject. Uncover what lies beneath what lies beneath the obvious. Read against the grain.

Possible modifications to the memorization, recitation, and reading aloud parts:

Some students may be unable to memorize and recite, or even to deliver their work aloud. Knowing your capabilities is your responsibility: you must decide in the weeks leading up to the assignment whether the memorization, recitation, and reading aloud is a reasonable possibility for you. Knowing the difference between challenging and impossible/inaccessible is also your responsibility: I encourage you to challenge yourself — and to leave room to surprise yourself (don’t say “memorization has never worked for me” until you’ve at least tried it a little!) — but only you can determine whether these elements of the assignment are truly inaccessible to you, and you must determine that ahead of time, not after the fact.

If you determine that memorization and live recitation is unavailable to you for Part 1, or you are otherwise unable to do Part 1 (for instance, if you must attend our meeting remotely, since Part 1 cannot be done remotely), then you must instead extend Part 2 of the assignment from 7-10 minutes to 10-13 minutes — and you must present that extended assignment as a formal, traditional argumentative essay (about 1250 words). Print out two hard copies of that essay and bring them to your one-on-one meeting; one of us will read the essay fully to the other, then we’ll talk about it afterward.

If you determine that reading aloud or otherwise speaking your argument aloud for Part 2 is unavailable to you, then you must present that extended assignment as a formal, traditional argumentative essay, print out two hard copies of that essay and bring them to your one-on-one meeting, and ask me to read it to you. Then we’ll talk about it afterward.