Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Click on any FAQ below to link to its answer. I recommend scanning across the words and phrases I’ve put in bold print — a handy way of knowing what’s covered here.
I didn’t know about that assignment or get that email! / What do you mean by ‘proactive’?
I missed a class session/comprehension question—what should I do?
What is your attendance policy? Is this an [un]excused absence? May I have my absence excused?
What dictionary should I use? How do I use a dictionary in undergraduate writing?
I’m just writing to apologize or give a reason for why I missed class/was late to class…
How can I improve my participation mark? How do participation marks work?
How many sources do I need to include? How do I find sources? Which sources are reliable?
How should I cite my sources? How do I cite this particular [unusual] source?
What 12 basic tips for success would you give a university undergraduate in the humanities?
What are you looking for in an essay? /Help me understand your criteria for grading essays.
Would you write me a recommendation letter? Would you be my reference?
Is this on the Quercus (or Blackboard or whatever) site? Why don’t you use campus-based apps?
When are your Office Hours? Should I make an appointment? Do you ever meet with students outside Office Hours?
What if I talk too little? / But I’m too shy to contribute to class discussion!
What if I talk too much? / I don’t want to dominate conversation.
Is it okay if I’m under/over the word count? I only added those extra words to fit the word count!
How should I conduct myself at university? / What should I expect from my professors?
Should I pursue a PhD in the humanities? Should I become a professional academic?
What is the point of taking English classes, or majoring or specializing in English?